CAP Theorem
Also known as Brewer's theorem, after computer scientist Eric Brewer, is the assertion that a distributed data store can't provide 3 of the following capabilities …
Also known as Brewer's theorem, after computer scientist Eric Brewer, is the assertion that a distributed data store can't provide 3 of the following capabilities …
An automated test which verifies a single unit of behaviour, runs quickly and in isolation
Refers to phenemona that as a project increases in size, ability to add new features and progress decreases.
Metrics that answer the question : how much of our code is executed by our tests?
Multiple interitance refers to an object that inheritants from multiple parents. In Lua, this can be acheived by using Metatables with a metamethod __index
which …
In Lua, object-oriented programming is achieved using prototypal inheritance, since Lua does not have the concept of a class. Prototypal inheritance simply means that objects …
Table access metamethods (Lua) provide a mechanism for handling table lookup using the __index
metamethod and writes to missing keys, using the __newindex
metamethod. They …