Lesson 8: Estimation

Lesson 8: Estimation

  • Confidence interval:
    • Take a sample and get the mean
    • What is the probabilty that the mean weight of the population is within a range of the sample mean
  • z-scores that bound 95% of a normal distribution
    • -1.96
    • 1.96

  • 95% confidence interval for a sample mean
    • sample_mean - SE < mean < sample_mean + SE
  • General idea:
    • The bigger the sample, the more confident one can be that mean derived from it matches the population mean
    • SE = population_standard_deviation / sqrt(sample_size) = a smaller value as the sample size gets large
  • Critical values of z
    • 2.33 = 98%
    • 1.96 = 95%
  • Practical use of Confidence Interval
    • Test a change (treatment) and collect data (dependent variables) from a population
    • Use it to determine where it lies on a sample mean distribition (z-score using SE)
    • Then, use z-table to calculate probability of getting that