Week 10 - Boolean Algebra B

5.201 Logic gates

  • Logic Gate
    • Implementation of a boolean operation.
    • Basic element of an implementation of a Circuit.
  • Basic Gates

    • Most basic logic circuits:
      • OR gates
      • AND gates
      • NOT gates
    • All Boolean functions can be written in terms of these 3 logic operations.
    • AND Gate

      • Produces HIGH output (value 1) when all inputs are HIGH otherwise, output is LOW (value 0).
      • For a 2-input gate, AND gate is represented by electrical notation and truth table:


      • The AND operations is written as f=x.yf = x . y or f=xyf = xy
      • Produces HIGH output (value 1) when any of 2 inputs if HIGH, otherwise, output is LOW (value 0).
      • For a 2-input gate, OR gate is represented by electrical notation and truth table:


      • The OR operation is written as f=x+yf = x + y
      • Produces opposite of the input.
      • Also known as NOT gate.
      • When input is LOW (0), output is HIGH (1) and vice versa.
      • The inverter gate is represented by the following electrical notation and truth table:


      • Not operation is written as f=xf = \overline{x}
      • Other gates:
      • You can combine the basic gates to create 4 additional gates:
      • True only when values of inputs differ xor-gate.png
    • NAND Gate

      • AND Gate followed by an inverter. nand-gate
      • Equivalent to not AND
    • NOR Gate

      • Equivalent to "not OR"
      • OR Gate followed by an inverter. nor-gate
    • XNOR Gate

      • Equivalent to not XOR. xnor-gate
    • Multiple input gates
    • AND, OR, XOR and XNOR operations are all commutative and associative
    • They can be extended to more than 2 inputs.
    • For example:
      • The XNOR Gate can be applied to 3 inputs: xnor-gate-1.png
      • NAND and NOR operations are both commutative but not associative.
      • Extending number of inputs is less obvious here.
      • When writing cascaded NAND and NOR operations, must use correct parentheses.
    • Representing De Morgan's laws
    • Theorem 1
      • Complement of the product of variables, is equal to the sum of the complements of variables.
      • x.y=x+y\overline{x . y} = \overline{x} + \overline{y} de-morgan-theorem-1
    • Theorem 2
      • Complment of the sum of variables, is equal to the product of the compliment of variables
      • x+y=x.y\overline{x + y} = \overline{x} . \overline{y} de-morgans-theorem-2

5.203 Combinational circuits

  • Outlines
    • Definition of a circuit
    • Building a circuit from a function
    • Writing Boolean expressions from a circuit
    • Building a circuit to model a problem
  • Definition of a circuit
    • Combination Circuits (aka logic networks)
      • combination of Logic Gates designed to model Boolean functions.
      • circuit that implements a Boolean function.
      • logic values assigned to output signals is a Boolean function of current config of input signals.
  • Building a circuit from a function
    • Given a Boolean function, we can implement a logic circuit representing all states of the function.
    • Want to minimise the # of gates used to minimise the cost of the circuit.
    • We can implement Boolean functions in different ways.
    • Consider Boolean function ff:
      • f(x,y,z)=x+yzf(x, y, z) = x + y' z
      • ff can be represented by this circuit: f-circuit
  • Writing a Boolean expression from a circuit
    • Given a logic network, we can work out its corresponding Boolean function:
        1. label all gate outputs that are a function of the input variables.
        1. express the Boolean functions for each gate in the first level.
        1. repeat the process until all the outputs of the circuit are written as Boolean expressions.
    • Example
        1. Label input of the circuit with symbols
        1. Express boolean functions for first level.
        1. Repeat for 2nd and third levels.
  • Building a circuit to model a problem
    • Combinational circuits are useful for desiging systems to solve specific problems, like addition, multiplication, decoders and multiplexers.
    • Steps for building combinational circuit are:
        1. labelling the inputs and outsput using variables.
        1. modelling the problem as a Boolean expression
        1. replacing each operation by the equivalent logic gate.
  • Building an adder circuit
    • Consider building an adder for 2 one-digit binary bits x and y.
    • From the truth table of this Boolean function, we know that:
      • sum=xy+xy=xysum = xy' + x'y = x \oplus y
      • carry=xycarry = xy
      • circuit-adder-truth-table-with-carry
    • Can be designed as a half adder sum-and-carry
  • Half adder has limitations:
    • no provision for carry input.
    • circuit is not useful for multi-bit additions.
  • Building a full adder circuit
    • To overcome its limitations, transform half adder into a full adder by including gates for processing the carry bit.
    • sum = x \oplus y \oplus carry in
    • carry out = xy + carry in. (x \oplus y) full-adder-truth-table
    • 2 Boolean expression can be designed in as follows: full-adder-circuit
      • We can hide some of the comlexity of a circuit by using a box diagram as a simple abstraction representing just the inputs and outputs.

5.205 Simplification of circuits

  • Outline
    • Benefits of simplification and Algebraic simplification
      • Show how Boolean Algebra Theorem or rules can be used to represent and simplify Boolean functions.
    • Introduce Karnaugh Map of Boolean functions.
  • Benefits of simplification
    • We know that every function can be written in Sum-of-Products Form
      • Not necessarily optimal in terms of number of gates and depth of circuit.
    • Why circuits must be simplified:
      • Reduces global cost of circuits, by reducing number of logic gates used
      • Might reduce time computation cost of circuits
      • Allows more circuits to be fitted on same chip
  • Algebraic simplification

    • Based on the use of Boolean algebra theorems to represent and simplify the behaviour of Boolean Functions.
    • To produce a sum-of-product expression, need to use one or all of following theorems:
      • De Morgan's laws and involution
      • Distributive laws
      • Commutative, idempotent and complement laws
      • Absorption law
    • Example

      • Consider this Boolean expression: E=((xy)z)((x+z)(y+z))E = ((xy)'z)'((x'+ z)(y' + z'))'
      • Using De Morgan's laws and involution:
        • $$

      \begin{align} E &= (xy)'' + z')((x' + =z)'+(y' + z')') \ &= (xy + z')((x'' . z') +y'' . z'') \ &= (xy + z')(xz' + yz) \end{align}

      $ * Can be further simplified using **distributive** laws: E = xyxz' + xyyz + z'xz' + z'yz$ * Using commutative, idempotent and complement laws: E=xyz+xyz+xz+0E = xyz' + xyz + xz' + 0 * Using absorption law: E=xyz+xzE = xyz + xz'

  • Example 2

    • Consider full adder circuit from last week.
    • Using truth table, we can build a sum-of-products form for the 2 functions:
    • full-adder-circuit-simplification
  • Karnaugh Maps
    • A Karnaugh map (or K-Map) is a graphic representation of a Boolean function and differs from a truth table.
      • It can be used for expressions with 2, 3, 4 or 5 variables.
    • A K-Map is shown in an array of cells and cells differing by only one variable are adjacent.
    • The number of cells in a K-Map is the total number of possible input variable combinations which is 2k2^k. kmap-vs-truth-table
    • Example
      • Consider the Boolean function described in the truth table shown here:
        • We have 3 variables, we need a 3-input K-Map for which we identify all the 1's first.
        • Group each 1 value with the maximum possible number of adjacent 1's to form a rectangle, power of 2 long (1, 2, 4, 8)
        • Then, write a term for this rectangle.
        • In this case, it's the minimised expression of ff is: x+yzx + yz truth-table-adjacent-k-map kmap-adjacent-truth-table

5.211 Domino logic gates simulation

  • Learn about logic gates and how to represent them using dominoes.
  • Logic gates are basic element of electronic circuitts, implementing a boolean operation.
  • Computers are made of billions of these tiny electrical components. Depending on characteritics of eahc gate, logic gates take information coming in and output the processed information accordingly.
  • It is difficult to visualise this rpcoess in computers as the info they get is in electrical signals. The signal can either be on or off. It depends on the voltage registered.
  • Can break down complex system using dominoes.
  • The info is dicated by whether a chain of dominoes is falling or not, representing high voltage and low voltage respectively.
  • The next exercise wil simulate different types of logic

5.208 Summative quiz

Questions I did not understand

Which of the following expressions is a sum-of-products form of the Boolean expression: F(x,y,z)=(x+y).zF(x, y, z) = (x+\overline{y}).z

F(x,y,z)=x.y.z+x.y.z+x.y.zF(x, y, z) = x.y.\overline{z} + x.\overline{y}.\overline{z} + x.y.\overline{z} F(x,y,z)=xyz+xyz+x.yF(x, y, z) = xyz+x\overline{y}z+\overline{x}.\overline{y} F(x,y,z)=x.y.z+x.y.z+x.y.zF(x, y, z) = \overline{x}.y.\overline{z} + x.y.z + \overline{x}.y.z

Why is it 3 variables in each product term?

By distributivity: F(x,y,z)=(x+y).z=xz+yzF(x, y, z) = (x+\overline{y}).z = xz+\overline{y}z By identity: xz+yz=x(y+y)z+(x+x)yzxz+\overline{y}z=x(y+\overline{y})z+(x+\overline{x})\overline{y}z By distributivity: x(y+y)z+(x+x)yz=xyz+xyz+xyz+x.yzx(y+\overline{y})z+(x+\overline{x})\overline{y}z=xyz+x\overline{y}z+x\overline{y}z+\overline{x}.\overline{y}z By idempotent law: xyz+xyz+xyz+x.yz=xyz+xyz+x.yzxyz+x\overline{y}z+x\overline{y}z+\overline{x}.\overline{y}z= xyz+x\overline{y}z+\overline{x}.\overline{y}z

Find the simplification of the expression represented by the following K-map.


I accidentally got it right.




Given the Boolean function F(x,y,z)=(x+y).zF(x, y, z) = (x + \overline{y}) . z, write the sum-of-products expansion of FF where all the variables x,y,zx, y, z are used.


  1. Distributive law: F(x,y,z)=xz+(¬y)zF(x, y, z) = xz + (\neg y)z
  2. Identity law: F(x,y,z)=x.1.z+1.y.zF(x, y, z) = x.1.z + 1.\overline{y}.z
  3. Complement law: F(x,y,z)=x.(y+y).z+(x+x).y.zF(x, y, z) = x . (y + \overline{y}) . z + (x + \overline{x}) . \overline{y} . z
  4. Distributive law: F(x,y,z)=x.y.z+x.y.z+x.y.z+x.y.zF(x, y, z) = x.y.z + x.\overline{y}.z + x.\overline{y}.z + \overline{x} .\overline{y}.z
  5. Idempotent law: F(x,y,z)=x.y.z+x.y.z+x.y.zF(x, y, z) = x.y.z + x.\overline{y}.z + \overline{x} . \overline{y} . z

Problem Sheet

  1. What is the output for each of the logic circuits?


  1. A+B\overline{A} + B
  2. A.(B.C)\overline{A . \overline{(B . C)}}

How can I know the output if I don't know what the input is? Maybe some kind of algebraic reduction?

Looks like my initial answer was correct, I just didn't include the NOT part of the circuit after B.CB . C

  1. Write down the truth table for the output Q of the following circuit.


A B (A + B) ¬\neg (A + B) ¬\neg (A + B) + B ¬\neg ( ¬\neg (A + B) + B)
0 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 0
  1. Simplify each Boolean expression to one of the following expressions: 0,1,A,B,AB,A+B,AB,A+B,AB,AB0, 1, A, B, AB, A+B, \overline{AB}, \overline{A} + \overline{B}, \overline{A}B, A\overline{B}
    1. A+B\overline{\overline{A} + \overline{B}}
      1. A.B\overline{\overline{A . B}} -- DeMorgan's law
      2. A.B -- involution theorem
    2. A(A+A)+BA (A + \overline{A}) + B
      1. (A+A.A)+B(A + A.\overline{A}) + B -- distributivity
      2. (A + 0) + B -- complements
      3. A + B -- identity
    3. (A+B)(A+B)B(A + B)(\overline{A} + B)\overline{B}
      1. (A+B)(A B+BB)(A + B) (\overline{A} \ \overline{B} + B\overline{B})-- Distributivity
      2. (A+B)(A B+0)(A + B) (\overline{A} \ \overline{B} + 0) -- Involution
      3. (A+B)(A B)(A + B)(\overline{A} \ \overline{B})
      4. (A.A B+B.A B)(A. \overline{A} \ \overline{B} + B. \overline{A} \ \overline{B}) -- Distributivity
      5. (A.A B+B.B A)(A. \overline{A} \ \overline{B} + B . \overline{B} \ \overline{A}) -- Commutativity
      6. (0B+0A)(0\overline{B} + 0\overline{A})
      7. 0 + 0
      8. 0
  2. Use the laws of Boolean Algebra to simplify the boolean expression: a+ab=a+ba + \overline{a}b = a + b
    1. a+ab=a+ba + \overline{a}b = a + b
      1. a.1+ab=a+ba.1 + \overline{a}b = a + b -- identity law
      2. a.(1+b)+aba . (1 + b) + \overline{a}b
      3. a1+ab+aba1 + ab + \overline{a}b -- Distributive law
      4. a.1+b(a+a)a.1 + b(a + \overline{a}) -- Distributibe law
      5. a1+b1a1 + b1 -- Complements
      6. a + b
    2. Use a truth table to prove that a+ab=a+ba + \overline{a}b = a + b
a b a + b a+aba + \overline{a}b
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
3. Simplified circuit is just $a + b$
  1. What is the output of the following logical circuit?
    1. week-10-problem-sheet-q5 p.q.r+p.qr+p.q.rp . q . r + p. \overline{q} r + p . q . \overline{r}
    2. p.p.p+r.r.r+q.q.qp.p.p + r . r . \overline{r} + q . \overline{q} .q
      1. p(q+r)p(q + r)
  2. Use the truth table to prove De Morgan's laws:

ab=a+b\overline{ab} = \overline{a} + \overline{b}

a b ab ab\overline{ab} a\overline{a} b\overline{b} a+b\overline{a} + \overline{b}
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0

a+b=a.b\overline{a + b} = \overline{a} . \overline{b}

a b a + b a+b\overline{a + b} a\overline{a} b\overline{b} a.b\overline{a} . \overline{b}
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0
  1. Use the laws of boolean algebra to simplify:

ab(a+b)(b+b)\overline{ab}(\overline{a} + b)(\overline{b} + b)

ab(a+b)(1)\overline{ab}(\overline{a} + b)(1) -- Complement ab(a+b)\overline{ab}(\overline{a} + b) -- Idempotent aba+abb\overline{ab}\overline{a} + \overline{ab}b -- Distributive law

(a+b)a+(a+b)b(\overline{a} + \overline{b}) \overline{a} + (\overline{a} + \overline{b})b -- De Morgan's law a.a+b.a+ba+bb\overline{a}.\overline{a} + \overline{b}.\overline{a} + b\overline{a} + b\overline{b} -- Distributive law a.a+b.a+ba+0\overline{a}.\overline{a} + \overline{b}.\overline{a} + b\overline{a} + 0 -- Complement a.a+b.a+ba+0\overline{a}.\overline{a} + \overline{b}.\overline{a} + b\overline{a} + 0 -- Idemptotent a+b.a+ba+0\overline{a} + \overline{b}.\overline{a} + b\overline{a} + 0 -- Idemptotent a+a(b+b)+0\overline{a} + \overline{a}(b + \overline{b}) + 0 -- Distributive a+a(b+b)+0\overline{a} + \overline{a}(b + \overline{b}) + 0 -- Complement a+a(1)+0\overline{a} + \overline{a}(1) + 0 -- Complement a+a+0\overline{a} + \overline{a} + 0 -- Identity a+a\overline{a} + \overline{a} -- Identity a\overline{a} -- Idempotent

  1. Use laws of boolean algebra to simplify the boolean expression

a(a+b)+(b+aa)(a+b)\overline{a}(a + b) + (b + aa)(a + \overline{b})

a(a+b)+(b+a)(a+b)\overline{a}(a + b) + (b + a)(a + \overline{b}) -- idempotent laws a(a+b)+(a+b)(a+b)\overline{a}(a + b) + (a + b)(a + \overline{b}) -- commutative laws

Even the answers don't make sense here.

  1. Prove that in a boolean algebra a2=aa^2 = a You are required to explain your answer by making a reference to a boolean algebra axioms (laws)

a.a = a a = a -- Idempotent laws.

The answer should be:

\begin{align} a &= a.1 \\ &= a . (a + \overline{a}) \\ &= a . a + a . \overline{a} \\ &= a^2 + 0 \\ &= a^2 \\ \end{align}

  1. The following diagram shows a circuit with three inputs and two outputs, uu and vv


  1. List the logic gates used

3 OR gates and 2 AND gates

  1. Describe each output u and v as a Boolean expression in terms of x, y and z

u=(x+y)+zu = (x + y) + z

v=((x+y).z)+(x.y)v = ((x + y) . z) + (x . y) v=zx+zy+xyv = zx + zy + xy

  1. Derive the Boolean expression for the following logic circuit shown below


((((a+b).c).d).e)((((a + b) . c) . d) . e)

  1. Write down a boolean expression for the following input/output behaviour
x y z u
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
  1. Write a boolean expression for input/output behaviour.

    u=x.y.z+x.y.z+x.y.zu = \overline{x}.\overline{y}.\overline{z} + \overline{x}.y.z + x.y.\overline{z}

  2. Construct the corresponding circuit of the above expression using not-games, and-gates and or-gates only