Fleeting Notes

Fleeting notes in Zettelkasten are for capturing ideas while reading, listening, or thinking. They are designed to be short-lived and should be stored in an …
Fleeting notes in Zettelkasten are for capturing ideas while reading, listening, or thinking. They are designed to be short-lived and should be stored in an …
Literature Notes in Zettelkasten are notes which capture information from the source material in our own words. They are sometimes referred to as Reference or …
Permanent notes (also known as Evergreen notes) capture a single "atomic" idea. They also include links to related ideas. In the Zettelkasten system, they're created …
Charlies Munger advocates for building a "broad theoretical toolbox" that he calls a Latticework of Mental Models. The idea is to accumulate concepts from a …
In Zettelkasten, the topic overview is a note that links to key Permanent Notesithin a topic. It is linked to via the index and …