Week 9 - Boolean Algebra A

Lesson 5.1 The basics

Video: 5.101 Introduction to Boolean algebra

  • Boolean Algebra
    • History
      • 384-322 BC: Aristotle develops the foundations of logic.
      • 1854: George Boole published An investigation of the laws of thought
      • 1904: H.E. Huntington wrote Sets of independent postulates for the algebra of logic.
      • 1938: Claude Shannon wrote a thesis: A symbolic analysis of relay switching
    • Boolean algebra is the foundation of computer circuit analysis.
      • Basic building block for designing transistors, basic elements in processors.
      • Consider IoT fire system: when high heat is detected, spray water.
    • Two-valued Boolean Algebra
      • Most well-known form of Boolean algebra is 2 valued system:
        • variables take value in set {0, 1}
        • operators + and . correspond to OR and AND.
      • Used to describe and design digital circuits.
  • Operations of Boolean Algebra
    • Based on 3 fundamental operations:
      • AND
        • logical product, intersection or conjunction
        • represented as x . y, xyx \cap y or xyx \wedge y.
      • OR
        • logical sum, union or disjunction
        • represented as x+yx + y, xyx \cup y, xyx \lor y
      • NOT
        • logical complement or negation
        • represented as xx', x\overline{x} or ¬x\neg x
    • When parentheses are not used, orperators have order of prefs: NOT > AND > OR.
  • Operations of Boolean algebra
    • The truth tables for the 3 operations can be represented as follows: boolean-algebra-truth-table

5.103 Postulates of Boolean algebra

  • Huntington's Postulates
    • Huntington's posulates define 6 axioms that must be satisfied by any Boolean algebra:
      • closure with respect to the operators:
        • any result of logical operation belongs to the set {0, 1}
      • identity eleements with respect to the operators:
        • x+0=xx + 0 = x
        • x . 1=xx \ . \ 1 = x
      • commutativity with respect to the operators (dot and .):
        • x+y=y+xx + y = y + x
        • x.y=y.xx . y = y . x
      • distributivity:
        • x(y+z)=(x.y)+(x.z)x(y + z) = (x . y) + (x . z)
        • x+(y.z)=(x+y).(x+z)x + (y . z) = (x + y) . (x + z)
      • commutativity
        • x+y=y+xx + y = y + x
        • x.y=y.xx . y = y. x
      • distributivity
        • x(y+z)=(x.y)+(x.z)x(y + z) = (x . y) + (x . z)
        • x+(y.z)=(x+y).(x+z)x + (y . z) = (x + y) . (x + z)
      • complements exist for all elements
        • x+x=1x + x' = 1
        • x.x=0x . x' = 0
      • distinct elements
        • 010 \ne 1
  • Basic Theorems of Boolean Algebra

    • Using the 6 axioms of Boolean algebra, we can find these useful theorems for analysing and designing circuits
      • theorem 1: idempotent laws
        • x+x=xx + x = x
        • x.x=xx . x = x
      • theorem 2: tautology and contradiction
        • x+1=1x + 1 = 1
        • x.0=0x . 0 = 0
      • theorem 3: involution
        • (x)=x(x')' = x
      • theorem 4: associative laws
        • (x+y)+z=x+(y+z)(x + y) +z = x + (y + z)
        • (x.y).z=x.(y.z)(x . y) . z = x . (y . z)
      • theorem 5: absorption laws
        • x+(x.y)=xx + (x . y) = x
        • x.(x+y)=xx . (x + y) = x
      • theorem 6: uniqueness of complement
        • if y+x=1y + x = 1 and y.x=0y . x = 0 then x=yx = y'
      • theorem 7: inversion law
        • 0=10' = 1, 1=01' = 0
    • De Morgan's Theorems

      • Theorem 1
        • The complement of a product of variables is equal to the sum of the complements of the variables: x.y=x+y\overline{x. y} = \overline{x} + \overline{y}
      • Theorem 2

        • The complement of a sum of variables is equal to the product of the complements of the variables: x+y=x.y\overline{x + y} = \overline{x} . \overline{y}


    • Proof of distributivity of + over .

      • A truth table to prove the distributivity of + over . using truth tables. proof-of-distributivity-for-.-and-+
    • Principle of duality
      • Starting with a Boolean relation, we can build another equivalent Boolean relation by:
        • changing each OR (+) sign to an AND (.) sign
        • changing each AND (.) sign to an OR (+) sign.
        • changing each 0 to 1 and each 1 to 0.
      • Example
        • Since A + BC = (A + B)(A + C) (by distributive law), we can build another relation using the duality principle: A(B+C)=AB+ACA(B + C) = AB + AC
      • Examples
        • Consider the boolean equations:
          • e1:(a.1).(0+a)=0e1: (a . 1) . (0 + \overline{a}) = 0
          • e2: a+a.b=a+ba + \overline{a} . b = a + b
        • Dual equations of e1 and e2:
          • Dual of e1: (a+0)+(1.a)=1(a + 0) + (1 . \overline{a}) = 1
          • Dual of e2: a.(a+b)=a.ba . (\overline{a} + b) = a . b
    • Ways of proving theorems
    • 4 ways in general to prove equivalence of Boolean relations:
      • perfect induction by showing 2 expressions have identical truth tables: tedious if more than 2 vars.
      • axiomatic proof by applying Huntington's postulates or theorems to the expressions, until identical expressions are found.
      • duality principle every theorem in Boolean algebra remains valid if we interchange all ANDs and ORs and interchange all 0s and 1s.
      • contradiction by assuming the hypothesis is false then proviing that the conclusion is false.
    • Examples
      • Proving absorption theorem
        • The absorption theorem can be proved using perfect induction, by writing a truth table. prove-absorption-with-truth-table
        • It can also be proved directly:
          • From x+(x.y)=xx + (x . y) = x, if we apply the duality principle, we can deduce: x.(x+y)=xx . (x + y) = x

\begin{align} x + (x . y) &= (x . 1) + (x . y) \text{ by } x .1 = x \\ &= x . (1 + y) \text{ by distributivity } \\ &= x . (y + 1) \text{ by commutativity } \\ &= x . 1 \text{ by } y + 1 = 1 \\ &= x \text{ by } x.1 = x \\ \end{align}

5.105 Boolean functions

  • Boolean Function
    • A boolean function defines a mapping from one or multiple Boolean input values to a Boolean output value.
    • For nn Boolean input values, there are 2n2^n possible combinations.
      • For example, a 3-input function ff can be completely defined with an 8-row truth table.
    • Algebraic forms
      • There is only one way to represent a Boolean function in a truth table. boolean-function-truth-table
      • In algebraic form, a function can be expressed in a variety of ways:
        • For example these are both algebraic representations of the same truth table:
          • f(x)=x+x.yf(x) = x + x' . y
          • f(x)=x+yf(x) = x + y
    • Standardised forms of a function
      • The two most common standardised forms:
        • sum-of-products form
        • product-of-sums form
        • Sum-of-Products Form:
          • Variables built using the AND operator, are summed together using the OR operator.
          • Example: f(x,y,z)=xy+xz+yzf(x, y, z) = xy + xz + yz
        • Product-of-Sums Form
          • Variables built using the OR operator, are multiplied together using the AND operator.
          • Example: f(x,y,z)=(x+y)(x+z)(y+z)f(x, y, z) = (x + y)(x + z)(y + z)
        • The sum-of-products form is easier to use so it's used by the course.
  • Building a sum-of-products form
      1. Focus on the values of the variable that make the function equal to 11.
      1. If an input equals 11, it appear uncomplemented in the expression.
      1. If an input equals 0, it appears complemented in the expression (and its corresponding complete is used).
      1. the function f is then expressed as the sum of products of all the terms for which f = 1
    • Example
      • Let's consider the function f represented by the following truth trable.
        • Can be expressed as:
          • f(x,y)=xy+xy+xyf(x, y) = x ' y + xy' + xy
  • Useful functions
    • The "exclusive-or" function: xyx \oplus y:
      • defined as "true if either x or y is true, but not both"
      • represented by this truth table: excluse-or-function-truth-table
      • can be expressed as:
        • xy=xy+xyx \oplus y = x ' y + xy'
    • The "implies" function: xyx \rightarrow y:
      • defined as "if x then y"
      • represented by this truth table: implies-function-truth-table
      • can be expressed as:
        • xy=x+yx \rightarrow y = x' + y