Asymptotic Analysis
Asymptotic Analysis of a function, , tells us what happens to the function as grows larger. The term "asymptotic" refers to the behavior or value of a function as its input approaches a particular value or limit - in this case, as the input size approaches infinity.
Complexity Analysis
The complexity of an algorithm tells us how many resources are required to complete an algorithm.
Time Complexity
How many steps is required to complete the algorithm?
Space Complexity
How much memory is required to complete the algorithm?
Big-O Notation
Big-O finds the upper bound of a function's asympototic growth.
When comparing a function's asymptotic growth, we can look at only the parts that grow the fastest. Big-O notation describes just the fastest growing factor of a function, to simplify the comparison of algorithms.
For example, * in Big-O notation is * is
Worst-Case Time Complexity
Since the for an algorithm will vary depending on inputs, worst-case time complexity tells us what how long the model will take with the worst possible input.