Hash Table

A hash table is a key-value pair data structure that provides constant time data access, using a Hash Function to convert a key into a numeric array index.

Hash Table example from Wikipedia

Diagram by Jorge Stolfi via Wikipedia

It's considered a Linear Data Structure as elements in the array are stored sequentially.

Two keys can produce the same index, called a collision, depending on the implementation. There are multiple common techniques to resolve hash collisions:


  • Enlarge the hash table (e.g., double its size)
  • Update the hash function's reduction function (modulus part)
  • Re-hash all existing numbers into the new table
  • Can be implemented reactively (after collision) or proactively (based on load factor threshold)

Linear Probing

  • When a collision occurs, check the next available bucket
  • Store the colliding number in the first empty bucket found
  • Continue this process until an empty spot is found

Separate Chaining

  • Create a chain (linked list) at each position in the hash table
  • When collisions occur, add the new number to the chain at that position
  • Chains can grow and shrink as needed

Hash tables typically have these core operations:

  • Insert: add a new key-value pair.
  • Search: look up a value by its key
  • Delete: remove a key-value pair.

Under good conditions, these operations take an average O(1)O(1) time, making hash tables extremely efficient for storing and retrieving data.

Load Factor

The load factor of a hash table is calculated by storing the number of stored key by the number of buckets.