Prim's Algorithm is an algorithm for building a Minimum Spanning Tree, alternative to Kruskal's Algorithm.
- Starting with a randomly selected node.
- Repeatedly adding the lowest weight edge that connects the current tree to a new node.
- Continuing until all nodes are included.
PRIM-MST(G)1.vs=vertices(G) // get all vertices in G2.T=new Graph(FIRST(vs),) // create a new output Graph which starts with the first element in G3.while (∣T∣<∣G∣) do // repeat until all nodes are in output Graph // get all possible edges to nodes not in the graph4.L=e∣e∈edges(G) and FROM(e)∈T and TO(e)∈G and TO(e)∈/T 5.newE=min(weight(e)) in L // get the lowest code edge6.addVertex(T,TO(e)) // add the connected node to new edge7.addEdge(T,newE) // add the edge to the graph
class Graph:
def __init__(self, vertices=None, edges=None):
self.vertices = vertices or set()
self.edges = edges or {}
def __len__(self):
return len(self.vertices)
def add_vertex(self, vertex):
def add_edge(self, from_vertex, to_vertex, weight):
self.edges[(from_vertex, to_vertex)] = weight
def prims_algorithm(G: Graph):
vs = G.vertices
T = Graph(first(vs), {})
while len(T) < len(G):
# Create set of possible edges
L = {}
for (from_v, to_v), weight in G.edges.items():
if (from_v in T.vertices and to_v in G.vertices and to_v not in T.vertices):
L[(from_v, to_v)] = weight
elif (to_v in T.vertices and from_v in G.vertices and
from_v not in T.vertices):
L[(to_v, from_v)] = weight
if not L:
new_edge = min(L.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
from_vertex, to_vertex = new_edge[0]
weight = new_edge[1]
T.add_edge(from_vertex, to_vertex, weight)
return T