Week 16 - Trees B

8.201 Rooted trees

  • Rooted Trees

    • A rooted tree is a directed tree with a distinguished vertex $r4, called a root. Such that, for every vertex v there is a directed path from r to v.


    • A directed tree is represented as a rooted tree if and only if one vertex has in-degree 0 whereas all other vertices have in-degree 1.

    • week-16-direct-tree-theorem
    • Terminology of rooted trees.
    • In the image above:
      • A is the root of the tree.
      • B is called the parent of D.
      • E and F are the children of D.
      • B and A are ancestors of E and F (E and F are siblings)
      • B and D are called internal nodes.
      • C, E and F are called external nodes.
    • Depth and height in a tree
    • Depth or path length of a node in a tree is the number of edges from root to that node.


    • Height of a node in a tree is the longest path from that node to the leaf.


    • The depth or the height of a tree is the maximum path length across all nodes.
    • The depth (height) of this tree is 4.
    • Special trees
    • Binary Tree is a rooted tree in which every vertex has 2 or fewer children.


    • Ternary tree is a rooted tree in which every vertex has 3 or fewer children.


    • m-ary tree is a rooted tree in which every vertex has m or fewer children.
    • Regular rooted trees
    • A regular m-ary tree is regular if everyone of its node has exactly m children.


    • Properties
      • m-ary tree has at most mhm^h vertices as level h.


  • Isomorphic Trees

    • 2 trees T1T_1 and T2T_2 are isomorphic if there is a bijection: f:V(T1)V(T2)f: V(T_1) \rightarrow V(T_2) which preserves adjacency and non-adjacency.
    • That is, if uv is an edge in E(T1)E(T_1) and f(u)f(v)f(u)f(v) is in E(T2)E(T_2)
    • Notation
      • T1T2T_1 \cong T_2 means that T1T_1 and T2T_2 are isomorphic.
    • Example


  • Properties

    • The properties of graphs also apply to trees.
    • 2 trees with different degree sequences are not isomorphic.
    • 2 trees with the same degree sequence are not necessarily isomorphic.
  • Isomorphic rooted trees

    • Two isomorphic trees are isomorphic as rooted trees if and only if there is a bijection that maps the root of one tree to the root of the other.


8.203 Binary search trees

  • A binary search tree with labels where they're larger on the right-hand side of the subtree and smaller on the left-hand side.


  • Applications
    • It's useful when we want to store a modifiable collection in a memory and be able to search, insert or remove elements from the collection efficiently.
  • Binary search trees can be used to solve these kinds of problems.
  • Example

    • Build a binary search tree to store 15 records


  • Height of a bst

    • 2 methods for finding the height: * Method #1 2h1<1+N2h2^{h-1} < 1 + N \leq 2^h \equiv h1<log2(1+N)hh-1 < log2(1 + N) \leq h * Method #2 h=[log2(N+1)]h = [log_2 (N + 1)]
  • Binary search algorithm
    • Starts by comparing the search element to the middle term in the list.
    • The list is then split into 2 smaller sub-lists of the same size, or where one of these smaller lists has one fewer term than the other.
    • Search continues by restricting the search to appropriate sub-list.

Peer Review

Question 1

Consider the following graph, G, with 4 vertices, xx, yy, zz and ww.


  1. Find the degree sequence of the graph GG.

4, 3, 3, 2

  1. Draw two non-isomorphic spanning trees of G.


  1. Let AA be the adjacency matrix of GG. Write down AA.

$$ A = \begin{bmatrix} \ & w & x & y & z \

w & 0 & 1 & 1 & 2 \ x & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \ y & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \ z & 2 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} $$

  1. What information does the sum of elements in A tell you about G?

The sum of elements is: 1+1+2+1+1+1+1+1+2+1=121 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 12 From that information, we know that the numbers of edges is 12 / 2 = 6