Week 3: Interfaces, Linked Lists vs. Arrays, and Correctness
Project Overview
- Create your own LinkedList.
- Create a Markov Text Generator.
Abstraction, Interfaces and Linked Lists
- Data abstraction
- fundamental concept of programming
- Hide implementation details for the user.
- Abstract Data Type (ADT)
- No implementation.
- Just defines the methods and properties of a class; a promise.
- Data Structure
- Actual implementation.
- Eg
- In the real world: data abstraction
Core: Linked Lists vs Arrays
- ADT: specifies behaviour, not implementation.
- ArrayList implements the List interface using an array.
- Provides access to elements in constant time.
- O(n) to add elements.
- LinkedList
- Doubly Linked List usually stores a pointer to the head and tail.
- Each node has a next and prev references.
- Each node in the list is a
element. - Alternate implementation: Sentinal nodes.
- Have dummy nodes at start and end of list, which are buffers to keep you running off start and end of the list.
- O(1) insertion time.
- Core: Generics and Exceptions
Implementation of
:class ListNode<E> { // not a public class. ListNode<E> next; ListNode<E> previ; E data; // E == parameterized types: makes ListNode "generic", replace with type when initing it.
is a paramterized type. - Replace with an actual type then refer to type as
throughout class.- Refered to a "generics"
- Handling bad input
- Since we don't know about type, can't return -1 on bad input.
- Returning null is a bit yick.
- Raise an exception:
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot store null pointers, yo")
- If exception is a "checked exception" then we will to declare in method header that it throws the exception.
- Core: Java Code for a Linked List
- List node defined as follows:
class ListNode<E> {
ListNode<E> next; // considered a "recursive class" - uses its own definition in it.
ListNode<E> prev;
E data;
public ListNode(E theData)
this.data = theData;
- Linked list class as follows:
public class MyLinkedList<E>
private ListNode<E> head;
private ListNode<E> tail;
private int size;
public MyLinkedList() {
size = 0;
head = new ListNode<E>(null);
tail = new ListNode<E>(null);
head.next = tail;
tail.prev = head;
Testing and Correctness
- Core: Testing and Confidence
- Risk assessment of problem domain should be considered when decided on degrees of confidence for code (self-driving car vs blog).
- Core: Testing Practises
- Standard Cycle: write code, write tests and test code.
- Test-Driven Development: write tests, write code and test code.
- Testing types: black box testing and clear box testing.
- Black box
- more representative of how users use the code.
- easier to write by someone unfamiliar with the implementation.
- Black box
Core: Markov Text Generation
- High-level idea: walk through text saving a sort of word count of the word at the next position for each word.
- Store in a map with word as the key and next word count as a list.
- Generate text by finding a next word randomly from the word count list for some word count.