Week 4: Trees! (including Binary Search Trees and Tries)

Core Trees

  • Trees can naturally represent data in the real world eg family tree, decision tree etc.
  • Organisation of tree can define type of tree:
    • Root most important -> heap
    • Organised by char frequency -> Huffman Tree
    • Organised by node ordering -> search trees

Core: Defining Trees

  • Immutable properties of tree:
    • Must have only 1 parent node (node with no other parents).
    • Child are any nodes that aren't the parent.
    • Leaf nodes are any nodes that don't have children.
    • No cycles in a tree.
    • Each node can only have one (or less if parent) parents.

Core: Binary Trees

  • Generic Tree: a parent can have any number of children.
  • Binary Tree: a parent can have at most 2 children.
    • Each nodes need: a value, a parent, a left child (could be null) and a right child (could be null).
  • Example code:
public class BinaryTree<E> {
    TreeNode<E> root;

private class TreeNode<E> {
    private E value;
    private TreeNode<E> parent;
    private TreeNode<E> left;
    private TreeNode<E> right;

    public TreeNode(E val, TreeNode<E> par) {
      this.value = val;
      this.parent = par;
      this.left = null;
      this.right = null;

    public TreeNode<E> addLeftChild(E val) {
      this.left = new TreeNode<E>(val, this);
      return this.left;

Core: Pre-Order Traversals

  • Pre-order traversal (aka depth first search):
    1. Visit yourself
    2. Visit all of your left subtree.
    3. Visit all of your right subtree.
private void preOrder(TreeNode<E> node) {
    if (node != null) {

public void preOrder() {

Core: Post-Order, In-Order and Level-Order Traversals

  • Post-order traversal:

    1. Visit your left subtree.
    2. Visit your right subtree.
    3. Visit yourself.
  • In-order traversal:

    1. Visit left subtree.
    2. Visit yourself.
    3. Visit your right subtree.
  • Level-order traversal (breadth-first traversal):

    1. Keep a "to visit" list.
    2. When you visit a node, place its child on the list.
    3. Pull a node off the list, and place its child on the list and so on.
public class BinaryTree<E> {
    TreeNode<E> root;

public void levelOrder() {
  Queue< TreeNode<E> > q = new LinkedList< TreeNode<E> >();
  while(!q.isEmpty()) {
    TreeNode<E> curr = q.remove();
    if (curr != null) {

Core: Introduction to Binary Search Trees

  • Binary search
    • Requires sorted array of items.
    • Start at middle, if middle is more than what you want, go for right-half, otherwise left.
    • Slow to insert into array.
  • Binary search tree
    • Get O(log n) search
    • Get (O(1)) insertion.
    • Max 2 children per node (same as binary tree).
    • Left subtrees must be less than parent.
    • Right subtree must be greater than parent.
    • Searching in a BST: start at root. Are you at the node? If not, throw away one half of the tree and start again.

Run Time Analysis of BSTs

Core: Performance of BSTs and Balancing, Part 1

  • BSTs structure depend on insertion order.
  • Algorithm for isDictionaryWord(String wordToFind)
    • Start at root.
    • Compare word to current node.
      • If null, return false.
      • If less than current node, search left subtree.
      • If greater, search right subtree.
      • If equal, return true.
  • Best case: O(1) - word is at root node.
  • Worst case: O(n) - all nodes are less than root node, so you have to iterate through every node.
    • Note: the data structure can be setup such that this situation doesn't happen.

Core: Performance of BSTs and Balancing, Part 2

  • Consider maximum distance until leaf: unbalanced trees may have really long paths on one side.
    • Enter: Balanced BSTs.
  • Balanced BSTs: height on one side should be no more than 1 more than the other side.
    • abs(left height - right height) <= 1
    • height = log(n)
  • When using a BST, worst case search is O(log n).


Core: Introduction to Tries

  • Tries
    • Takes advantage of the structure of the keys it stores.
    • Comes from word "reTRIEval".
    • Tries can have more than 2 children at each node (depends on size of the key alphabet).
    • Find word by walking through the tree, a character at a time:
    • Finding hey:
      1. Start at root. Look for path for h. Follow node.
      2. Find path for e at next node.
      3. Find path for y at next node.
      4. Next node either has hey or it's missing from trie.

Core: Performance of Tries

  • Run time of finding that a word is not in the dictionary in balanced BST: O(log n)
  • Run time of the same in Trie depends on length of word you're looking up.

Core: Implementing a Trie

  • Node keeps track of whether it stores a word and what the word is:
class TrieNode {
    boolean isWord;
    HashMap<Character, TrieNode> children;
    String text;
  • Actual Trie structure should store the root node and some methods to help with insertion, deletion etc.
  • Autocomplete algorithm:
    1. Start at root node.
    2. Perform a level-order (aka breadth first search) tree traversal down tree until you find node or not.