Attention Mechanism

Attention Mechanism or just Attention is a technique for calculating a weighted combination of a sequence of vectors, influence by human concept of attention.

It was originally devised as means of dealing with the a bottleneck in the RNN Encoder-Decoder architecture devised for Machine Translation, which at the time was looking like a promising alternative to the cumbersome statistical methods that were the current state of the art. In this seq-to-seq architecture, the encoder and decoder a are jointy trained to learn to represent input sequences, and decode that represenation into a translated seqeuence.


Typically, the encoder would encode an input sequence into a fixed-length context vector, which is provided to the decoder as context for it to generate a sequence.

However, a single context vector limited the encoders capaity to represent a sequence. As the sequences grew larger, the performance of these models would drop.

Encoder-Decoder with Soft-Search

In Bahdanau et al, they proposed an alternative architecture: allow the encoder to represent each word in the input sequence as a vector. Then, in the decoder, it would calculate a context vector, which would be a weighted sum of the input sequence. The weights, or scores, would be calculated be a layer which would learn predict scores through training. They likened this to the idea of allowing the decoder to soft-search (soft because it can compute a score) through the input sequence at each decoder step.

Though the idea of attention had been explored in CV papers, this paper Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate (Sep 2014) is typically credited as the origin of the attention mechanism [^1].

Allow the encoder to represent original sequence as a new encoded sequence, then add a mechanism to the decoder that allows it to "search through the encoded sequence" [^2], and assign weights to the most important words. They call this "soft search" and likened this to the human attribute attention, where we read by focusing on part of a text at a time.

Another side benefit of this, is that the calculated weights were interpretable, and allow for a visualisation of which input words most influenced each output word.


Shortly after this paper, many other varients of attention

This freed up the encoder from having to represent an entire sequence as a single vector, was very influential in neural machine translation, leading to the Transformer architecture years later.

Scaled-Dot Product Attention is a method of computing a token representation to include the context of surrounding tokens. It was described in the paper Attention Is All You Need and is used in the Transformer architecture.