Negative Log-Likelihood

Negative log-likelihood, or NLL, is a loss function used in multi-class classification. It measures how closely our model predictions align with the ground truth labels.

It is calculated as log(y^)-log(\hat{y}), where y^\hat{y} is the prediction corresponding to the true class label after the model outputs are converted into probabilities by applying the Softmax Function to them. The loss for a mini-batch is computed by calculating the NLL for each item and then calculating the mean or sum of all items in the batch.

Since a negative value is returned for the log of a number greater than 0 and less than 1, we add a negative sign to convert it to a positive number, hence negative log-likelihood. At 0 the function returns \infty ($-log(0)=\infty$) and at 1 returns 0 ($-log(1)=0$), so very wrong answers are heavily penalised.

Because the Softmax Function tends to force a single significant number, the loss function only needs to be concerned with the loss corresponding to the correct labels.

In PyTorch, the function is called torch.functional.nll_loss, although it doesn't take the log, as it expects outputs from a LogSoftmax activation layer.

Referred to as Log Loss in binary classification problems.

Code example:

Negative Log-Likelihood is the 2nd part of the Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss.

Recommended Reading

Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch: AI Applications Without a PhD

Deep Learning for Coders with fastai & PyTorch

This book is my favourite practical overview of Deep Learning. Learn more about negative log-likelihood in Chapter 6, pg. 231-232.
