ML Regression
Notes taken during ML Regression by Coursera.
Linear Algebra Refresher
Matrices and Vectors
- Denoted by
n x m
(n rows, m columns).
Special Matrices
- Square matrix: a matrix whose dimensions are
n x n
. - Zero matrix: denoted by
0n x m
, a matrix where all the values are 0. (acts like 0 in scalar land) - Identity matrix: main diagonals are 1 and others 0. When multipling with another matrix, the result is the other matrix. (acts like 1 in scalar land)
- Column matrix:
n x 1
and row matrix:1 x n
. Aka vector.
- Adding or subtract matrices: add or subtract each field. Must be the same size. (see Vector Addition)
- Scalar multiplication: multiply each value in matrix by scalar (see Vector Scaling).
- Matrix multiplication:
A x B
- A must have same number of columns as B does rows eg
A(2 x 3) * B(3 x 2)
is valid. The resulting size will be2 x 2
- A must have same number of columns as B does rows eg
A = [1, 2, 4] B = [4, 2] [4, 3, 5] [5, 8] [7, 1] (2 x 3) (3 x 2) Outcome = [(1 * 4) + (2 * 5) + (4 * 7)] [(1 * 2) + (2 * 8) + (4 * 1)] [(4 * 4) + (3 * 5) + (5 * 8)] [(4 * 2) + (3 * 8) + (5 * 1)]
Commutative property does not apply in matrix multiplication: order matters.
- Function that takes a square matric and convert it to a number. Formula looks like:
[a c]
[b d] == a*d - c*b
Matrix Inverse
- Given a square matrix
of sizen x n
we want to find another matrix such that:
AB = BA = I n
Matrix calculus
- Each of the points in a matrix can be function, can determine the derivative of each point.
Week 1 - Simple Regression
- Course Outline:
- Module 1: Simple regression
- Low number of inputs
- Fit a simple line through the data
- Need to define "goodness-of-fit" metric for each possible line.
- Gradient descent algorithm:
- Get estimated parameters
- Interpret
- Use to form predictions
- Module 2: Multiple relationships
- More complicated relationship than just a line.
- Incorporate more inputs when training the model.
- Module 3: Assessing performance
- Determine when "overfitting" the data.
- Bias-Variance Tradeoff
- Simple models are well behave but can be too simple to describe a behaviour accurately.
- Complex models can have odd behaviour.
- Module 4: Ridge Regression
Ridge total cost = measure of fit + measure of model complexity
- Cross validation (??)
- Module 5: Feature Selection & Lasso Regression
- What are the most important features for model?
Lasso total cost = measure of fit + (different) measure of model complexity
- Will learn: coordinate descent algorithm.
- What are the most important features for model?
- Module 6: Nearest neighbor & kernel regression
- Methods useful when you have a lot of data:
- Nearest neighbor: find closest piece of data to what you're looking at and use for predictions
- Kernel regression
- Methods useful when you have a lot of data:
- Module 1: Simple regression
- Assumed background
- Basic calculus (LOL)
- Basic linear algebra:
- Vectors
- Matrices
- Matrix multiply
Regression fundamentals
- Housing prices
- Look at recent sales in the neighbour hood to help inform your house price.
- Data:
- "For each house that sold recently, record square feet the house had and what the price was."
x1 = sq_ft, y2 = price````x2 = sq_ft, y2 = price
,x3 = sq_ft, y3 = price
- Regression model:
y[i] = f(x[i]) + E[i]
- Outcome is the function applied to the input plus some error.E(e[i]) = 0
- expected value of error is 0 - will be equally likely to have positive or negative values.
- Tasks in regression:
- Task 1: Determining options for data model.
- Task 2: Estimate the specific fit from the data.
- Block diagram for regression (diagram from memory)
ML Model
- Equation of a line: "intercept + slope * variable of interest" (
f(x) = W₀ + W₁ * Xᵢ
) - Single point includes the error (the distance from point back to line): (
f(x) = W₀ + W₁ * Xᵢ + εᵢ
). - Parameters of model =
(intercept) andW₁
(slope)- Aka: regression coefficients.
Quality metric
- "Cost" of using a given line.
Can be calculated with "Residual sum of squares (RSS)"
- Take each error (
) - calculated as(actual_value - predicted value)²
- Add them for each point.
- In pseudo:
RSS(W₀, W₁) = sum([(y - (W₀ + W₁ * Xᵢ))² for y in actual_prices])
- Take each error (
Goal is to search over all possible lines to find the lowest RSS.
Using fitted line
- Estimated parameters:
- Intercept: value of
whenx == 0
- In the context of square feet features, it'd be houses that are just land.
- Usually not very meaningful (aka intercept is negative, does that mean land only sales mean the seller gets money??)
- Intercept: value of
- Estimated slope
- "Per unit change in input" - "when you go up 1 square foot, how much does the price go up?"
Finding the best fit (minimizing the cost)
min([RSS(W₀, W₁) for (W₀, W₁) in ALL_POSSIBLE_PARAMS])
- Convex / concave functions:
- Concave
- Looks like arc of cave.
- Line between 2 points lie below curve of function
- Max is where derivative = 0
- Opposite of concave
- Any two points will be above the curve of the function
- Min is where derivative = 0
Other functions:
- Can be multiple solutions to derivative = 0 or no solutions
- Finding the max or min analytically:
- Get derivate of function eg (
-2w + 20
). - Set derivate to 0 then solve for
: (-2w + 20 = 0 == w = 10
): - Finding the max via hill climbing:
- Keep increasing
via some "step size" until "converged" eg: derivate = 0. - Divide space:
- On one side, the derivative will be more than 0, on the other less.
- In pseudo:
``` # g = func # w = value
def has_converged(g, w): return derivate(g, w) ~ 0
while not has_converged(g, w): w = w + STEP_SIZE ```
- While not converged:
- Take previous w
- Move in direction specified by derivated via some step size
- Choosing stepsize and convergence criteria:
- Fixed step size = set to constant size.
- Can result in jumping over optimal, resulting in slow convergence.
- Decrease the stepsize as you get closer to convergence.
- Convergence will never get exactly to 0, but you set a threshold for convergence success.
- Threshold depends on dataset.
- Commons choices:
- Algorithms that decrease with number of iterations:
η[t] = α / t
(step size at position t is some alpha over t)η[t] = α / sqrt(t)
(step size at position t is some alpha over square root of t)
- Keep increasing
Multiple dimensions: gradients
- When you have functions in higher dimensions, don't talk about "derivates" talk about "gradients".
- Notation example:
- Gradient definition:
- A vector (array) with partial derivatives.
- Partial derivatives:
- Same as derivate but involves other derivates. Treats them like constants.
- Worked example:
- Gradient descent == hill descent but compute the gradient instead of derivate for each iteration.
Asymmetric cost functions
- "Prefer to under estimate than over"
- Eg: don't want to predict my house price as too high.
Week 2 - Multiple Regression
- Polynomial regression:
- Even with only a single input variable, a linear equation model may not represent the relationship between the output variable.
- Could use a higher-order function (quadratic, polynomial etc):
yᵢ = W₀ + W₁Xᵢ + W₂Xᵢ² ... + WpXᵢ^p + εi
- Treat different powers of
as "features": - feature 1 =
1 (constant)
- feature 2 =
- ..
- feature p + 1 =
- Different coefficients = parameters.
- More inputs added to regression model lets you factor in other relationships between your output variable.
- |Question| What letter will be used to represent number of observations?
- |Question| What letter will be used to represent no of inputs? (
- |Question| What letter will be used to represent no of features? (
- Commonly used equation:
- Interpreting coefficients of fitted function
- Co-efficient's should be considered in the context of the entire model.
- Eg: Number of bedrooms might have a negative coefficient if the square feet of the house is low.
- If in a situation where you can't "fix" an input (eg if all features are a power of one input), then you can't interpret the coefficient.
- Linear Algebra Review
- Stages for computing the least squares fit:
Step 1: Rewrite regression model using linear algebra
- Rewrite the regression model for a single observation in matrix notation:
Multiple two vectors:
- A row vector (aka transposed column vector) of parameters / coefficients
- A column vector of features.
Then add the error term.
- Rewrite model for all observations:
* Rows of middle matrix (matrix ``H``) = vector of features from previous section.
- Step 2: Compute the cost
- Algorithm = search all different fits to find the smallest cost (RSS).
- RSS in matrix notation:
y - Hw
is a residual vector.- Using vector multiplication of that vector times the transpose, you end up with a scalar of the residual sum of squares.
- Step 3: Take the gradient of the RSS:
-2 * H_vector_transposed * (y_vector - H_vector * w_vector)
Step 4: Approach 1, closed-form solution: solve for W.
- Set result to 0 and solve.
- Matrix inverse * matrix = identity matrix (??)
Week 3 - Assessing Performance
- Goal: figure out how much you are "losing" using your model compare to perfection.
- Example: low predictions causing house to be listed too cheap.
- Loss can be measured with a loss function: L(y, f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x}))
- Examples:
- Absolute error: L(y, f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x})) = |y - f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x})|
- Squared error: L(y, f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x})) = (y - f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x}))^2
- Root Mean-Squared Error squared.
- Can have a very high cost if difference is large, compared to absolute error.
- Root Mean-Squared Error squared.
- Examples:
- Compute training error:
- Define some loss function (as above).
- Computing training error. * Example: Average loss on training set using squared error: * = 1/N \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} L(y, f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x}))
average of loss function
* = $$1/N \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} (y - f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x}))^2$$
average of squared error
* = $$\sqrt{1/N \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} (y - f _\hat{w}(\mathbf{x}))^2}$$
(convert to root mean squared error (RMSE))
* provides more intuitive format (dollars, instead of squared dollars)
* Training error vs model complexity:
* Training error obviously is lowers as complexity of model increases (can get almost perfect fit with high complexity models):
* Doesn't necessarily mean that predictions will be good, in fact they can get extremely bad with overfit models.
* Summary: low training error != good predictions.
* Generalisation error: theoretic idea for figuring out ideal model.
* Weight house price pairs (house, price)
by how they are to occur in dataset and use to evaluate predictions, use to evaluate predictions.
* For a given square footage, how likely is it to occur in the dataset?
* For houses with a given square footage, what house prices are we likely to see?
* Theoretical idea: impossible to compute generation error: requires every possible dataset in existence.
* Test error: like generalisation error but actually computable.
* Basically, use test error* to roughly approximate generation error.
* Average loss on houses in test set: 1/Ntest \sum_\limits{i=1}^{Ntest} L(y, f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x}))
* Note: f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x})
was fit with training data.
- Defining overfitting:
- Overfitting if there exists a model with estimated params
such that:
1. Training error ($$\hat{w}$$
) < Training error ($$w'$$
2. True error ($$\hat{w}$$
) > True error ($$w'$$
) * In other words: overfit if training error is low compared to another model but "true error" is high. Better to have high training error but low "true error". * Training/test split: how to think about dividing data between training and test split. * General rule of thumb: just enough points in test set to approximate generalisation error well. * To do: figure out how to approximate generalisation error. * If you don't have enough for training data, then need to use other methods like "cross validation". * 3 sources of error: 1. Noise 2. Bias 3. Variance
- Noise:
- Data is inherently noisy; there are heaps of variables you can't factor into model.
- Variance of noise term: spread of
- Can't really control noise, there will be factors that influence observations outside of feature set.
- Data is inherently noisy; there are heaps of variables you can't factor into model.
- Bias:
- Difference between fit and "true function".
- "Is our model flexible enough to capture true relationship between data and model."
- Bias(x) = f_{w(true)}(\mathbf{x}) - f_\hat{w}(\mathbf{x})
- Bias is basically how good our fit is; more parameters generally means less bias.
- Difference between fit and "true function".
- Variance:
- How much variance does model have?
- High complexity models == high variance.
- Variance is basically how wild our model is; more parameters means higher variance.
- Bias-variance tradeoff:
- As error decreases, bias decreases and variance increases.
(mean-squared error) * Want to find sweet spot in model where bias and variance are together as low as possible. * We can't compute "true function" but there are ways to optimise an approximation a practical way. * Error vs amount of data: * True error decreases as data points in training set increase to limit of bias + noise. * Training error goes up as data points increase to same limit. * Validation set: * Choosing tuning parameters,
(eg degree of polynomial):
* Naive approach: For each model complexity $$\lambda $$
: 1. Estimate params on training data. 2. Assess performance on test data.
3. Choose $$\lambda $$
with lowest test
* Problem with this the test data was already used for selecting $$ \lambda $$
- will be overfit.
* Better approach: split data 3 ways: training, validation and test set
* Select $$\lambda $$
that minimizes error on validation set.
* Get approximate generalisation error of $$ \hat{w}_{\lambda\star} $$
using test set. * Typical splits: * 80% / 10% / 10% * 50% / 25% / 25%
Week 4 - Ridge Regression
i* Symptom of overfitting: * When model is extremely overfit, magnitude of coefficients can be extremely large. * Overfitting not unique to polynomial regression: can also occur if you have lots of inputs. * Number of observations can influence overfitting: * Few observations (N small) can cause model to be quickly overfit as complexity grows. * Many observations (N very large) can be harder to overfit (but harder to find datasets).
![Number of Observations](./images/number-of-observations.png)
- The larger the inputs, the more change of data not including inputs for all data points causing overfitting.
- Balancing fits and magnitude of coefficients:
- Can improve quality metric by factoring in coefficient magnitude to avoid complex models.
Total cost = measure of fit (RSS) + measure of coefficient magnitudes
.- Want to find the ideal balance between the two.
- Ways to measure coefficient magnitude:
- Add coefficients:
- the negative coefficients would cancel out the others.
- Add the abs value of coefficients:
- Aka "L1 norm"
- Sum squared values of coefficients:
- Add coefficients:
(sum of squared values of coefficients) * Aka "L2 norm" * Resulting ridge objective and its extreme solution. * Can use an extra parameter to tune how much weight is applied to the measure of coefficient magnitude: * Set the param to 0 = only RSS would weight in quality metric. * Set the param to ,
would be the solution.
* Need to find a balance between the two: enter "ridge regression" (aka $$L_2 $$
- How ridge regression balances bias and variance.
- High
= high bias, low variance.
* As $$\lambda $$
get closer to infinitely, coefficients get smaller and less general.
* Low $$\lambda $$
= low bias, high variance.
* As $$\lambda $$
get closer to 0, coefficients get larger (RSS takes over) and shit gets crazy.
- Ridge regression demo
- "Leave one out" (LOO) cross validation can show approximate average mean squared error (MSE) and is a useful technique for choosing
- The ridge coefficient path:
Graphical representation of how the value of lambda affects the coefficient:
Again, at 0 it's just the RSS ($$\hat{w}_{LS} $$
), as it gets larger, they approach 0.
- Some sweet spot between smallish coefficients and a well fit model.
- Computing the gradient of the ridge objective:
- Can rewrite the L2 norm ($$|| \mathbf{w} ||_2^2 w^tw $$
- Then, the entire ridge regression total cost can be rewritten like:
, which is just the RSS + the L2 norm.
- Can take the gradient of both terms and you get:
- The gradient of the L2 norm is analygous to the 1d case: derivate of
- Approach 1: closed-form solution:
- Summary: set the gradient = 0 and solve for
. * Steps:
1. Multiple the $$\mathbf{w} $$
vector by the identity matrix to make the derivation easier.
$$\triangle cost(\mathbf{w})) = -2\mathbf{H}^T(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{H}\mathbf{w}) + 2\lambda\mathbf{I}\mathbf{w} = 0 $$
2. Divide both sides by 2.
$$ =-\mathbf{H}^T(\mathbf{y} - \mathbf{H}\mathbf{w}) + \lambda\mathbf{I}\mathbf{w} = 0 $$
3. Multiple out.
$$-\mathbf{H}^T\mathbf{y} + \mathbf{H}^T \mathbf{H}\mathbf{w} + \lambda\mathbf{I}\mathbf{w} = 0 $$
4. Add $$\mathbf{H}^T\mathbf{y} $$
to both sides.
$$\mathbf{H}^T \mathbf{H}\mathbf{w} + \lambda\mathbf{I}\mathbf{w} = \mathbf{H}^T\mathbf{y} $$
5. Since the $$ \hat{w} $$
appears in both expressions, can factor it out.
$$(\mathbf{H}^T \mathbf{H} + \lambda\mathbf{I})\mathbf{w} = \mathbf{H}^T\mathbf{y} $$
6. Multiple both sides by the inverse of $$\mathbf{H}^T \mathbf{H} + \lambda\mathbf{I} $$
$$\mathbf{w} = (\mathbf{H}^T \mathbf{H} + \lambda\mathbf{I})^{-1}\mathbf{H}^T\mathbf{y} $$
Discussing the closed-form solution
* Can prove the closed-form solution is congruent with the above notes, by setting $$\lambda = 0 $$
and seeing that results are equal to the least squares closed form solution:
$$\hat{w}^{ridge} = (\mathbf{H}^T\mathbf{H})^{-1}\mathbf{H}^T\mathbf{y} = \hat{w}^{LS} $$-results
Setting lambda to infinity results in 0 because the inverse of infinity matrix is like dividing by infinity.
Recall previous solution for :
Invertible if number of linear independant observations is more than number of features ($$ N > D $$ ) - an added bonus of using ridge regression.
Complexity of the inverse:
Properties for ridge regression solution:
- Inverible always if even if .
Complexity of inverse is the same. May be prohibitive to do this solution with lots of features.
Called "regularised" because adding the is "regularising" the , making it invertable ever with lots of features.
Approach 2: gradient descent
- Same as RSS gradient descent but factors in the L2 norm cost component gradient.
- Selecting tuning parameters via cross validation.
- If you don't have enough data to build a validation set, for testing the performance of
, you can grab the validation set as a subset of the training data, but instead of grabbing a single slice, can grab all slices and average the results.
- K-fold cross validation.
- Algorithm:
- For each lambda you're considering:
- For each data slice of size
- For each lambda you're considering:
- Algorithm:
: * Go through each validation block on training data compute predictions.
* Compute error for predictions using the $$\lambda $$
* Calculate average error: $$CV(\lambda) = 1/K \sum\limits_{k=1}^K error_K(\lambda) $$
* Choosing ideal value of K:
* Best approximation occurs for validation sets of size 1 (K = N) aka "leave-one-out" (LOO) cross validation.
* Computationally intensive: requires computing N fits of model per $$\lambda $$
* Common to use $$K=5 $$
(5-fold CV) or
(10-fold CV) if
is computational infeasible to run.
- How to handle intercept term.
- The goal of the ridge regression is to lower the coefficients values $ but that doesn't necessarily make sense for
. * Solutions:
* Option 1: leave out the $$\hat{w}_0 $$
coefficient when computing the optimal fit. * In closed-form solution, can use a modified identity matrix with the first position set to 0.
* In gradient descent, can just skip the ridge component when computing the j value for $$\hat{w}_0 $$
. * Option 2: transform data so the expected intercept value is around 0 (called "centring").
Week 5 - Feature Selection & Lasso
- Feature selection task motivation
- Efficiency
- when faced with large feature sets, predictions can get expensive.
- When
- Efficiency
is sparse (eg has a lot of 0s in the dataset) can eliminate all 0 features. * Interpretability * which features are relevant to housing predictions? * All subsets algorithm * Search over every combination of features computing the RSS: * Iterate through every N = 1 sized combination, then N = 2 and so on up to feature D. * Slow to compute with a lot of features: complexity = * With 15 features * Greedy algorithms * "Forward stepwise algorithm" * Find best N = 1 feature subset (maybe based on training error) * Next, find best N = 2 subsets that includes previous feature. * Use validation set or cross validation to choose when to stop greedy procedure - training error alone is insufficient. * Quicker to compute than all subsets, but may not find optimal combination. * Complexity: * 1st step: D models, 2nd step: D - 1 models, 3rd step: D - 2 models etc * Worst case complexity: * Other greedy algorithms * Backward stepwise: start with full model and work backwards removing one. * Combining forward and backward steps: add steps to remove features not considered relevant. * Regularised regression for feature selection * Ridge regression (L2 penalty) encourages small weights but not exactly 0. * Core idea: can we use a similar idea but actually get weights to 0 and effectively remove them from the model? * Potential method 1: Thresholding. * Remove features that falls below some threshold for
. * Problem: redundant features * If you have bathroom and number of showers, the weights would be distributed over both features. If you remove one, the coefficient should double on the other. * This means you could potentially end up discarding all redundant features. * Potential method 2: use L1 norm for regularized regression aka "Lasso regression" aka "L1 regularised regression".
* $$ RSS(\mathbf{w}) + \lambda * ||\mathbf{w}||_1 $$
* When tuning param, $$\lambda $$is 0, $$\hat{w}^{lasso} = \hat{w}^{LS} $$
(ie result is just least squares.
* When $$\lambda = \infty $$
(ie coefficients shrink to 0). * Coefficient path for Lasso:
![Coefficient path for Lasso](coefficient-path-for-lasso.png)
* For certain lambda values, features jump out of the model and other fall to 0. Individual impact of features becomes clearer.
- Optimising the lasso objective
- The derivate of can't be calculated when
. Therefore, can't calculate the derivate. * Use "subgradients" over gradients. * Coordinate descent * Goal: minimise a function
, a function with multivariables. * Hard to find minimum for all coordinates, be easy for a single coordinate with all the other fixed.. * Algorithm: * While not converged: * Pick a coordinate (w coefficient) and fix the other. * Find the minimum of that function. * No stepsize required * Converges for lasso objective * Converges to optimum in some cases. * Can pick next coordinate at random, round robin or something smarter... * Normalising features * Idea: put all features into same numeric range (eg number of bathrooms, house square feet) * Apply to a column of the feature matrix. * Need to apply to training and test data. * Formula:
$$\underline{h}_j(\mathbf{x}_k) = \frac{h_j(\mathbf{x}_k)}{ \sqrt{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} h_j(\mathbf{x}_i)^2}} $$
- Coordinate descent for least squares regression
- For each j feature, fix all other coordinates $ \mathbf{w}_{-j} $and take the partial with respect to
- Gradient derived to ($$P_j $$
== residual without jth feature)
* Setting to 0 and solving for $$\hat{w}_j $$
results in
* Intuition: if the residual between the predictions without j and the actual prediction is large, then the weight of j will be large and vice versa (to do: check this as your understanding improves).
- Coordinate descent for lasso (for normalised features)
- Same as cord descent for least squares, except we set
using a "thresholding" function (in code):
def set_w_j(p_j, lambda):
if p_j < -lambda / 2:
return p_j + lambda / 2
if -lambda / 2 < p_j < lambda / 2:
return 0
if p_j > lambda / 2:
return p_j - lambda / 2
* General idea here is "soft thresholding", aiming to get values to 0 that fit within some range:
![Soft thresholding]("./images/cord-descent-soft-thresholding.png")
- Coordinate descent for lasso (for unnormalised features)
- Normalisation factor is used during the set
portion of the regression.
- Choosing the penalty strength and other practical issues with lasso.
- Same as ridge regression:
- If enough data, validation set.
- Compute average error
- Same as ridge regression:
- Summary
- Searching for best features
- All subsets
- Greedy algorithms
- Lasso regularised regression approach
- Contrast greedy and optimal algorithms
- Describe geometrically why L1 penalty leads to sparsity
- Estimate lasso regression parameters using an iterative coordinate descent algorithm
- Implement K-fold cross validation to select lasso tuning parameter
- Searching for best features
- Note: be careful about interpreting features, need to consider in the context of the entire model.
Week 6 - Nearest Neighbors & Kernel Regression
- Limitations of parametric regression
- A polynomial fit might work well in certain regions of input space and not well in others.
- Eg cubic fit might work well for higher square feet houses, but not so well for lower.
- Ideal method:
- Flexible enough to support "local structure" ie different fit at certain input space regions.
- Doesn't require us to infer "structure breaks" ie the places where we want a different fit.
- Nearest neighbour regression approach
- For some input, find the closest observation. That's it.
- What people do naturally when predicting house prices.
- For some input, find closest
using some distance metric.
2. Predict: $$\hat{y}_q = y_{nn} $$
- Distance metrics
- 1D feature sets: Euclidian distance
- Multi dimensions:
- Can use a weight on each feature to determine importance in computing distance ie sqft closeness is important, but year renovated may not be.
- $ distance(\mathbf{x_j}, \mathbf{x_q}) = \sqrt{a_1(x_i[1] - x_q[1])^2) + .. a_D(x_i[D] - x_q[D])^2)} $
- Note:
- 1D feature sets: Euclidian distance
is the "weight" in this equation.
1-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
- Need to define your distance function.
In pseudo:
``` closest_distance = float('inf')
for i in all_data_points: dist = calculate_distance(i, input) if dist < closest_distance: closest_distance = dist
return closest_distance
- Sensitive to regions with missing data; need heaps of data for it to be good.
- Sensitive to noisy datasets.
- k-Nearest neighbours regression
- Same as 1-Nearest Neighbour but average over values of "k"-nearest neighbours.
- k-Nearest neighbours in practise
- Usually has a much better fit than 1-nearest.
- Issues in regions where there's sparse data and at boundaries.
- Weighted k-nearest neighbours
- Idea: weight neighbours by how close or far they are to data point.
- Formula (where
refers to some weight for NN1:
$$\hat{y}_q = \dfrac{C_{qNN1}Y_{qNN1} + C_{qNN2}Y_{qNN2} .. C_{qNNK}Y_{qNNK}}{\sum\limits_{j=1}^{K}C_{qNNj}} $$
* Weighting data points:
* Could just use inverse of distance: $$C_{qNN1} = \dfrac{1}{distance(\mathbf{X_j}, \mathbf{X_q})} $$
* Can use "kernel" functions:
* Gaussian kernel
* Uniform kernel etc
Kernel regression
Instead of weighing n-neighbours, weigh all points with some "kernel":
In stats called "Nadaya-Watson" kernel weighted averages.
- Need to choice a good "bandwidth" (lambda value)
- Too high = over smoothing; low variance, high bias.
- Too low = over fitting; high variance, high bias.
- Need to choose kernel but bandwidth more important.
- Use validation set (if enough data) or cross-validation to choose
- Global fits of parametric models vs local fits of kernel regression
- If you were to predict datapoint by averaging all observations, you'd end up with a constant fit.
- Kernel gives constant fit at a single point; a "locally constant fit".