Articles in the permanent category
Multiple Interitance
Multiple interitance refers to an object that inheritants from multiple parents. In Lua, this can be acheived by using Metatables with a metamethod
which … -
Object Prototypes
In Lua, object-oriented programming is achieved using prototypal inheritance, since Lua does not have the concept of a class. Prototypal inheritance simply means that objects …
Lua Table-Access Metamethods
Table access metamethods (Lua) provide a mechanism for handling table lookup using the
metamethod and writes to missing keys, using the__newindex
metamethod. They … -
In Lua, since everything is a tables, metatables are a paradigm that lets you change the behaviour of a table, using another table. For example …
Player Dependance in Multiplayer Games
Schell says to create an effective online game community create situations in which players depend on each other: they require each others assistance to complete …
Character Web
A Character Web Schell (2015) (pg. 356-357) is a story writing tool for creating strong character relationships. You simply write down what each character thinks …
Interpersonal Circumplex
A tool brought from the world of social psychology by Katherine Isbister, in which you draw a diagram with 2 axes: friendliness and dominance and …
Transmedia Worlds
Discussed by Schell and coined by Henry Jenkins, refers to a world that can be "entered" through many different types of media Schell (2015) (pg …
Indirect Control
A game designer can exert indirect control of the player through constraints, goals, visual interfaces, game characters; and sound and music. An important part of …