Articles in the permanent category
Identity Matrix
When you multiply a matrix by the Identity Matrix , you get the original matrix back.
Law Of Cosines
The Law of Cosines expresses the relationship between the length of a triangle's sides and one of its angles.
Roblox Vector3
Matrix Multiplication
Matrix multiplication is a mathematical operation between 2 matrices that returns a matrix.
For each row in the first matrix, take the Dot Productf …
Binary Cross-Entropy Loss
Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE), also known as log loss, is a loss function used in binary or multi-label machine learning training.
It's nearly identical to Negative …
Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss
Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss Function, also known as Softmax Loss, is a loss function used in multiclass classification model training. It applies the Softmax Function to …
Cross-entropy measures the average number of bits required to identify an event if you had a coding scheme optimised for one probability distribution