Articles in the permanent category
Softmax Activation Function
The Softmax Activation Function converts a vector of numbers into a vector of probabilities that sum to 1. It's applied to a model's outputs (or …
Sigmoid Function
The Sigmoid function, also known as the Logistic Function, squeezes numbers into a probability-like range between 0 and 1.1 Used in Binary Classification model …
Rule Enforcer
To prevent cheating, a game needs a rule enforcer.
"if players feel like your game can be cheated, some will try to cheat, but most …
Server Authoritative Multiplayer
A typical multiplayer game architecture where the server has authority over the game state. The server keeps track of players' positions, the resources they own …
When data is provided to a model that is significantly different from what it was trained on, it's referred to as out-of-domain data.
Fleeting Notes
Fleeting notes in Zettelkasten are for capturing ideas while reading, listening, or thinking. They are designed to be short-lived and should be stored in an …
Literature Notes
Literature Notes in Zettelkasten are notes which capture information from the source material in our own words. They are sometimes referred to as Reference or …